Oulu-based health companies respond to the Covid-19 challenge

Oulu-based health companies respond to the Covid-19 challenge

Categories: Covid19

Oulu Region is home to several innovative health care technology companies that are, like iSTOC, giving their contribution to fight back coronavirus. BusinessOulu put together a list of companies that have stepped in with innovations that can be used in the battle against Covid-19. The article introduces companies that are providing solutions in the fields of diagnostics, disease prevention and patient monitoring, as well as in the field of telemedicine.

“Coronavirus is changing the world as we know it, but could there be some positive outcomes of the crisis? As the situation with the epidemic began to worsen internationally, a quest to find new health solutions was initiated. In Oulu, several products and services have been adapted, and new ones developed, in order to cater for the emerging needs. People are staying indoors, businesses are moving to virtual reality, face-to-face interactions are dramatically reduced, and healthcare systems overloaded. These challenges are met by Oulu-based companies that bring to the market the innovations that can be used in the battle against the virus.”

Read the whole article and introductions of the innovations in Oulu Health News

Cover picture: BusinessOulu