We at iSTOC are happy to announce new partnerships in Brazil, where we are working together with Lifemed and Signove Tecnologia S/A. Lifemed is a leader in medical devices in Brazil, whereas Signove is a leader in remote monitoring. With iSTOC IDA platform...
iSTOC is growing globally, and we are pleased to announce a new partnership in the United States, where we are working together with Acumen Health Intelligence. The mission of Acumen is to work around the clock to develop and deploy practical, scalable...
We at iSTOC are happy to announce a new partnership in France, where we are working with CEMAG Care to develop better diagnostics. iSTOC and CEMAG share a common vision to make the highest quality medical products available and affordable for everyone. This...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) TechEmerge Health Program brings custom heath care solutions to East Africa. iSTOC was chosen as one of the program partners that offer technologies that can support this region during the COVID-19 pandemic. The...
Finnish Business Newspaper Kauppalehti wrote about iSTOC mobile diagnostics solution as a tool for analyzing covid-19 rapid test results. Mobile application and diagnostics platform developed by iSTOC can be used for reading and digitizing test results, as...
Gulf News, the biggest selling English newspaper in the UAE, writes about how iSTOC mobile diagnostics solution helps Pakistan to fight Covid-19 pandemic (April 8th 2020). Pakistani healthcare company Innovative Healthcare Systems (IHS) has procured digital...
How do you provide cost efficient medical facilities to huge populations with limited resources? The answer lies in technology. iSTOC Mobile Diagnostics Solution turns mobile phones into field laboratories, and helps diagnosing an infectious disease in just...
The quick, global spread of COVID-19 has caused an urgent need for simple and fast tests for screening large populations and for identifying also asymptomatic infected people. Governments around the world are looking for alternatives to ease the burden on...
Oululaislähtöinen iSTOC on tuonut markkinoille pikatestejä, joilla esimerkiksi sormenpäästä otetusta verinäytteestä pystytään havaitsemaan elimistön muodostamat vasta-aineet erilaisille tartuntataudeille, ja kehittänyt diagnostiikkajärjestelmän...