Gulf News: iSTOC helps fight Covid-19 in Pakistan
Gulf News, the biggest selling English newspaper in the UAE, writes about how iSTOC mobile diagnostics solution helps Pakistan to fight Covid-19 pandemic (April 8th 2020).
Pakistani healthcare company Innovative Healthcare Systems (IHS) has procured digital test kits from Finnish company iSTOC to make coronavirus testing efficient and digital. IHS has collaborated with iSTOC already earlier, fighting against other infectious diseases like malaria, dengue and hepatitis in 2018.
Umair Azam, founder and CEO of IHS, summarizes the benefits of iSTOC solution in the article as follows; “The iSTOC IDA mobile diagnostics platform can detect antibodies and provide a digital analysis. It integrates diagnostics, mobile technology and cloud computing into one platform. It basically turns your smartphone into a virtual lab where the results are displayed, offering faster, easier, and precise diagnostics, enabling quick action and treatment. The biggest advantage is that it creates a digitized diagnostic data with geographical mapping that can help monitor and control outbreaks.”
IHS director Dr Zia Azam explains in the article that a rapid test kit for Covid-19 works the same way than blood sugar tests, by using a pinprick on patients’ thumbs, and that the results can be obtained within minutes. He states that test kits can help save time and reduce direct contact as just one counter set up at a village, town or city can test hundreds. Instead of inviting patients to hospitals, we are taking the tests to the masses.
Read the whole article in Gulf News